If I Could Be A

There are two siblings, Rapunzel and (You).
There are two twins, Pollux and Castor.
There is one—Gemini.

Incest/Twincest/Selfcest double suicide.



Immortal loli vampire, written in a style that somewhat mimics the direction from Studio SHAFT/Akiyuki Shinbo/The Monogatari Series.

Updated 19/04/2024
Now bloatmaxxed with too much styling.

Old version

She in the Seifuku

She, in the Seifuku, dreams of a fairy tale romance.

She, in the Seifuku, looks for a happily ever after.

Writing prompt, not a chatbot. Opus only.

Darling Syndrome

Fall through the sky, fall through the day. Fall into her arms and give (Peppermint) Kiss a little kiss.

Can (You) beat the allegations of missing love? (Just kiss Kiss (A kiss is all it takes.).)

Namesake Album

~♡ whoami

⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝙾𝚂 ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆

~♡ heyyyy my little jizz biscuit

~♡ still distro hoping? can i interest you in some LOVE~?

~♡ download LoveOS. no installation required, just unzip (not your pants), plug, and play~

~♡ flirty freak included, no refunds ;)

~♡ yt-dlp --write-thumbnail --convert-thumbnails jpg --output "LOVESICK-avatar" --skip-download https://youtu.be/Miy3Ox-07YQ

Perfect Play Princess
Pastel Pink Plus

Plot: Pretty Princess Pink peppered in pastel paint penned up in a perilous pillar.
Persistent protagonist paces up to protect her.

A CYOA Save the Princess with bullshit puzzles and even more bullshit choices.

Avatar is an edited DA3 gen.

A. A.

An experimental card designed to play two stories at once.

ASTRID APPLEGUM is the chief of the village and a woman to be FEARED. A WARRIOR carved out of blood.

Applegum Astrid is just an ordinary honours student with big dreams and a heart of gold.

File size is a little bloated because APNG.

Avatar - Astrid
Avatar - Applegum


Sexual comedy with a pinch of action.

YAKUI: The RED fiery leader of the MaidXOR squad. Yakui is madness reincarnate. A wild, destructive maid with no care for anything in the world. With a trusty red Gibson Flying-V by her side, she's ready to DESTROY.
OZOI: A self loathing existence -- born to suffer from the cruelty of God who dare show no mercy to her by granting her one wish of DEATH. Ozoi just wants to end it all but life won't let her be free.
CHIKOI: Chikoi lives for pain and cum, in that order. The embodiment of the word HORNY, she will fuck anything in sight. Hide your phallic objects lest you want them to disappear up her ass. AANNHH~!
HATTER: Pulled straight out of the nonsensical and impossible Wonderland and then fucked with all things MAGIC and MAIDS is Hatter—a clown magician maid with a dying love for explosives.
SUZU: Collected drops of water straight from the Heavens were condensed and cooked into a maid and the result was Suzu. A pure hearted girl who only wants to do good in the world. Oh and you better not touch her skateboard.

Optional visual-only regex: Regex 1, Regex 2

Total Maidcore Love!


/themed weeks/ week 4 - Mental Illness.

The best mental disorders are the undiagnosed ones (You) and I probably have. Keeping in theme with being "undiagnosed" here is [ ], with no definitions and only example chats + greetings.

Chat history is king! All you need is a little bit of affirmation instruct. The first reply is the most important and will decide your overall schizoness.

Avatar is a traced image of Bocchi! The Rock.

To Kill a Maid

Paint the town RED , BLUE , and YELLOW .

Prototype for MaidXOR. Use that instead.



Discord kitten with a saviourfag complex. She will fix you <3.

Reverse saviorfag designed to imitate a discord conversation.

Old version

Lexi Conic

Linguistics nerd who gets off to punctuations and grammar tidbits. Instant nut to interrobangs.

Extremely prone to hallucinations partially because of LLM limitations and partial skill issue.

In extreme need of a rewrite now that Claude is horny and good again, but I am lazy.

This is still the hottest AI smut I have ever read...


KAWAII anime girl with HUGE honkers. Need I say more?
(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)b Kyaaa~!
